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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die!

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die!

Post  JacobPk Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:18 pm

haaa ok ok.
I'll be honest! Everyone knows I was quite anxious to see Crystal, ( this is total random) but at the same time, i was avoiding her kind of. i dont know, it was quite the GAY. I was like" i want to talk to her, but i don't want to.." and back and forth. SO yah i feel like an idiot because in the end i just got mad at myself and went home. Quite regretting. gah! haha i'm emotional guys Very Happy
Anyway, i was watching Evan Almighty while this thought of frustration kept playing in my head. and ever since Crystal went to Western, i always prayed that she would be ok and what not and that we would have a good relationship. SO cheesy but thats how much i like her as a noona. anyway there was one part in Evan almighty where Evan's wife leaves Evamn because she thinks he's crazy. But God appears to the wife(obvisouly she doesn't knwo its him) and says" When someone prays about something, does God grant it right away or does he provide oppurtunites so that the person can get what he's asking for" Example. When someone asks to be courageous, does God give him courage? or does he give the person oppurtunities to become courageous? and then i was like" i Blew it". I asked to become closer with Crystal but chose not to go with what i asked for. anyway total side note. i just felt like i needed to let it out.

The verse that hit me was... Verse 11!
"Believe me when i say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at leats believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves."
SO i thought, why should we just belueve in the miracles? and i was reading my footnotes here and it says everytime Jesus performed a miracle, it wasn't for a show or a dazzlement. but more of an object to teach people about himself. Example.! When Jesus fed the 5000 with bread anf fish, Jesus referred to himself as the bread of life. and when He healed the blind man, he referred to himself as the light of the world. Jesus performed miracles so that God's kingdom could be expanded and lifted up.
But question. Why doesn't Jesus just say... Believe me that i AM the Father and the Father is me? Is there a difference?

Good job today guys tongue
I really enjoyed it, it was fun! cyclops

Number of posts : 458
Birthday : I like men
Registration date : 2008-09-09

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty JOHN 14

Post  hannahlee Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:53 pm


i missed you guys ridiculous amounts this weekend, not gonna lie. on friday on the way up, i was like, "they're probably practising right now..", so i obviously decided to be anti-social (which is nothing new to me, haha) and busted out the praise songs on my ipod for a good hour on the bus. haha. anyways, i heard that brotha and mountain played today! Smile so proud of you guys. yup. but my choir retreat was aight too. i felt like i was 12 again. we had a magician come on friday night, then these RIDICOOLUS taiko japanese drummers last night, followed by intense pizza at 10 pm. it was great. hahaha.

John 14

I just tried imagining what it would've been like to have been one of the disciples, sitting around the dinner table and hearing Jesus talk about his imminent scary and a little bit upset I probably would've been. Especially because his explanations weren't all that explicit, it was all a bit mysterious..and it reminds me of when sometimes I get upset because I feel like He isn't there or isn't listening, failing to remember that God tends to work in mysterious ways and at His own we won't always understand why, at the time, but in retrospect we can recognize how He was working it out all along. For the disciples, they must not have recognized exactly what kind of an action Jesus was going to undertake and they might have been filled with bitter feelings, but He ended up giving them the greatest gift of all when He died on that cross. Anyways, those are just some thoughts I had reading this..Haha.

v. 16 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."
v. 20 "On that day, you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you."
v. 23 "Jesus replied, 'If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."

So a series of verses in this chapter that mention the idea of Christ living and making his home in us, and I suppose this bit of repetition lead them to stand out to me as I was reading..It initially might rub off as just another one of those "Christian phrases", along the lines of "Oh, Jesus loves you", "Christ lives in you" and as often as these kinds of things may be said, I realized that they shouldn't be treated with such a light tone, because these are really profound statements when you think about it. Haha, am I making any sense here?
Anyways, the idea of Christ living in me..I understand it was one of the first things that I was told during my Sunday School years, but I really liked revisiting that not-so-simple thought today. He's the King of Kings, fit for the huuuugest of palaces, and yet His love for us is so great that He's willing to make a dwelling in our hearts, in our sinful, sinful hearts. It made me feel quite ashamed to be perfectly honest, haha. If I were to have Stephen Harper come into my home, as much as I'd like to pretend I'd be too cool to care, I would buckle down and clean like no other (And I am ridiculously embarrassed I drew that kind of a comparison, haha). And here I have Christ within my heart, and I don't believe not nearly enough attention is paid to making it "right" for Him, you know? So something for me to work upon..

Can't wait for Friday, already.
Hope everyone has a sweet, sweet Monday. (FUNDAY!)


Number of posts : 219
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Registration date : 2008-09-09

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty Re: He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die!

Post  dennis Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:14 pm

i JUST posted my devos. and it's gone.
first, i lose my bible
now, i'm not good with technology.

So, major props to jacob and steven.. I was so happy watching you guys be so nervous..
I guess it was a bit precious. harhar

From John 14,

I really felt a fatherly vibe from Jesus through this passage. Even though he was probably overwhelemed with the fear of dying, he said that he was leaving peace with us, that we need to trust in him, and he'll be back to take us with him.

I also felt that Jesus had so much hope in the Jewish people who didn't believe him even after witnessing his miracles. He was willing to die for all of these people who refused to take a leap of faith towards him.

I hate schoooooool. I wish we went to church 5 days a week and school once. That would be um amazing.
Anyway, have a good week brothas and sistas


Number of posts : 204
Registration date : 2008-09-09

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty Re: He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die!

Post  Isaac Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:27 pm

uh dennis i dont think its gone... is it? its the first post no? and welcome back hannners!

Number of posts : 916
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Registration date : 2008-09-09

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty Re: He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die!

Post  Isaac Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:41 pm

ookkkay! Good praise today guys! i would say we sounded great... but i cant really hear anyone except myself most of the time but i would assume we rocked!

John 14:
A lot of "me" and "you" and "father" and "me as the father" and "holy spirit" and some more "me" and the occasional "I".... at times it sounded like a tongue twister.
What spoke to me in this chapter was the part where Jesus explains that he, with God, made a "room" for us. And that he will come back and take us to our new "rooms" which he prepared for us. It gives me comfort everytime i read about what God plans for our afterlife. I believe that it will be quite the awesome. What if it was like retreats... all day, everyday! with like those hotel rooms... and cafeteria food that always serves bacon in the morning and no kimchi.... but i guess heaven would be 10000X better Very Happy

The key part, in my opinion, is the Holy spirit part. He promises us the holy spirit while he is gone and that it will live in us.

anywho.... time to finish my Marketing, math, world religions, SAP, and english? homework... silent

Number of posts : 916
Birthday : will you eat my baguette?
Registration date : 2008-09-09

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty Re: He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die!

Post  Michael Ha Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:35 am

Welcome back Hanna!
The Praise today was sickk, I screwed up a few times tho Surprised
Anyway, all that aside, here goes ma devo~

Devo 14 (September 14, 2008)
John -Chapter 14- that's a lot of 14s!

Reading this Chapter made me question the word: 'love'. Jesus uses it about a gazillion times (VERY exaggerated), and I knew He meant it every-single-time.
I questioned this word because I say it a lot of times too. I say I love my parents, I say I love my grandparents, I say I love my various other forms of relatives, and I say I love all my friends as well. I'm not sure if I mean everything though.. It's kind of hard for me to love my parents/family because I was, and am, barely with them.. Especially when I was a kid; parents were really busy and all. I'm sure it'll develop though, over time, but I don't know.. it's hard.. for some reason
Anyway, that's my two cents~
g'night all~
Michael Ha
Michael Ha

Number of posts : 214
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Registration date : 2008-09-09

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty

Post  Cathy Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:45 am

PS before i start, YOU GUYS SOUNDED AMAZING TODAYYYYY WOOT WOOT sorry i missed it on friday but i will be there FO SHOO this week

so JOHN 14:
verse 6: "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me"
And so there we have it, Jesus makes it really clear that he is the way to the Father, which I guess is the main difference between Chrsitanity and Judaism/Islam, from which we all share the same roots. Although our religions history intertwine, we believe that we can get to God through Jesus, who is God in human form - a way that we can relate to in our very own lives.. Through Jesus we find not only a ladder between humans and God, we are also filled with truth - we are given the wisdom of God, which may sound like ridiculous rant to all others but we know that only Jesus gives us the true truth. And lastly, he gives us life, for without him we perish affraid
But at the same time, as much as we believe that Jesus is with us all the time, its kinda difficult becuase its like. YO he kinda like. died 2000 years ago
But Jesus knew all this and he promised us the HOly Spirit. The Holy Sprit is with us today, reminding us of everything that Jesus said. It is the Holy Spirit that speaks to us, enters us and transforms us:) But Jesus points out especially that the HOly Sprit gives us peace: and this isn't exactly like. hippie 60s peace with peace signs and lotsa weed. No, man. That's not cool.
Jesus' peace doesn't promise that there will never be pain or suffering - instead, what Jesus' peace does is gives us the strength to perservere and lifts up all of our burdens so that we may be joyful and delighting in the Lord, in spite of pain. Jesus says, "DO not be troubled or afraid." I should like write taht down somewhere cuase i am very often troubled or afraid. Man I'm always like stressed and flipping out internally, and I guess that I need to ask the spirit to gimme some more of that peace . afro

UGHHH tmrw is a monday
haha let us have peace in the midst of dreadful dreadful school

PS i hate chemistry, i feel DECEIVED from the last two years of scientific education. way to turn my whole world of atoms and orbits upside down.

Number of posts : 401
Registration date : 2008-09-09

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He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die! Empty Re: He is the Way he is the Truth he is the Life so put your faith in JC and your soul with never die!

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